Tackling Educational Challenges: LOOP Project Unveiled at International Conference

The LOOP project made its debut at the 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation, attracting the attention of global researchers and experts in education and technology.

The presentation kicked off by addressing the challenges that inspired the project, outlining its objectives with precision. As part of the methodology, the authors elucidated key concepts, such as co-designing solutions, experimenting with policies, and implementing a teacher induction program based on mentoring and peer mentoring.

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Here you can find information on project publications, such as the Teacher’s Induction Programmes and Mentors Capacity Programmes, the field trials and policy seminars, as well as project activities and meetings, along with the growth of the LOOP network in all partner countries!

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Policy Brief event in Italy

🗓️ On September 28, a remarkable event took place in Italy that left over 800 participants, including teachers, policymakers, researchers, and scholars, buzzing with enthusiasm.

Sponsored by LUM University and supported by INDIRE, the event centered on the MCP (Mentors’ Capacity Programme) course, part of the larger LOOP project.

📚 The event delved deep into the multifaceted aspects of the MCP course, emphasizing its importance in bridging theory with practical application.

The enthusiasm for the MCP course was off the charts! So much so that, due to an overwhelming number of applicants👤, we are planning a special registration day to ensure everyone gets a fair chance.

👉 Mark your calendars for October, as the course will soon be available on the S.O.F.I.A. platform, offering a wealth of knowledge and resources to all educators.

We can’t wait to see how the MCP course impacts education and learning across the board!

LOOP: Policy Brief 2

Mentoring and induction programmes are essential to support teachers at different stages of their careers, ensuring their well-being, motivation, and retention, according to a European report.

The report, published by the LOOP project, supported by the European Commission, reveals that induction programmes for teachers supported by mentoring offer opportunities for personalized training, professional development, and career progression, as well as preparing teachers to face the challenges they encounter, supporting them in five dimensions of their action – didactic-pedagogical, disciplinary, bureaucratic and administrative, emotional, social, and cultural.

The successful experience of programmes in countries such as Germany, Italy, and Croatia suggests that they should be politically legitimized and incorporated into teacher training, so the experimental implementation involving 888 teachers currently underway will prove the need for their effective implementation in countries such as Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, and Greece.

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Invitation to LOOP’s Survey for Teachers and School Leaders

As we embark on this exciting journey into a new school year, LOOP partners are thrilled to invite you to participate in an important European initiative. We cordially invite you to participate in our European Survey on Teacher Induction Programs, specifically focusing on the invaluable practice of peer mentoring. Your professional insights are invaluable to us, as they will contribute to a deeper understanding of the prevailing perceptions and experiences related to teacher induction programs in Europe.

With this wide and groundbreaking European survey, LOOP partners aim to analyse the current professional development practices available for teachers when starting their careers, along with the impact shown on new teachers’ motivation.

We are addressing two target groups through different questionnaires:

👉 For teachers: https://rb.gy/24t0g
👉 For School Leaders: https://rb.gy/tvb5g

The feedback gathered from all respondents will help LOOP partners ensure and strengthen the results of the field trials, which were conducted in the past months across EU. The final results of the European survey will be published on LOOP website by the end of 2023 and will be actively shared and promoted to National and European authorities for policy actions.

Share your views and ignite change – Your input will contribute to the improvement of the educational landscape across Europe!

Warm regards and best wishes for an inspiring school year ahead!

The LOOP Project Team 

The Portuguese teachers call themselves the LOOPers!

In Portugal, 29 schools, 83 new teachers and 49 experienced teachers accepted the challenge and tested the teachers‘ induction programme from January to July 2023!

The induction programme humanizes the role of a teacher in the school.

In the aftermath of the close of the school year, the implementation of the LOOP induction programme reveals to be a success and Portuguese teachers value the opportunity they had to take part in the process.

The planning of the implementation of the LOOP programmes started at the end of the school year 2021-2022 and beginning of 2022-2023, with a set of meetings that DGAE, INOVA+ and Casa do Professor had with principles from schools from the North and South of Portugal.

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LOOP project in Croatia 

In Croatia, shortly after the beginning of this year, the implementation phase of the programs in a real environment began. We contacted more than 200 teachers and schools across Croatia to join the project. We conducted surveys, worked with focus groups, and interviewed primary and secondary school teachers.

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Field Trials Take Off in Slovenia

Slovene new teachers and their mentors enthusiastically engaged in field trials.

In a bold move to improve educational practices, Slovenian Ministry of Education, Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana and National Education Institute Slovenia, has recently initiated a series of field trials in participating schools and kindergartens across the country. The pilot programme, involving over 350 new teachers and their mentors, aims for better educational policies and more efficient immersion and progression in the teaching career.

The programme’s initial roll-out has taken place in the capital city of Ljubljana and later in the second city of Maribor respectively. Teachers and mentors have been meticulously trained in the new methods and are keen to implement these in their classrooms. The first impressions from the ground are encouraging – teachers are reporting better and improved engagements, while mentors have expressed satisfaction with the programme’s robustness and effectiveness.

The next steps for Slovenian programme involve monitoring and evaluating these initial trials’ outcomes. Data will be collected and analyzed to ascertain the effectiveness of the innovative approach methodologies, guiding adjustments and improvements. Plans for a country-wide expansion on permanent basis are set to be contingent on the results from this pilot phase, as the feedback and results obtained from these trials will be pivotal in refining the programme’s next iterations. As the country eagerly awaits the outcomes, the educational community is already applauding the initiative’s progressive approach.

Η πιλοτική εφαρμογή του προγράμματος LOOP στην Ελλάδα

Τον Οκτώβριο του 2022 επιλέχθηκαν τα σχολεία της πιλοτικής φάσης εφαρμογής του προγράμματος LOOP στην Ελλάδα. Συνολικά συμμετείχαν 80 σχολεία (30 στην πειραματική ομάδα και 50 στην ομάδα ελέγχου) από όλες τις βαθμίδες και τις περιοχές της χώρας. Από αυτά τα σχολεία στο πρόγραμμα συμμετείχαν συνολικά 166 έμπειροι εκπαιδευτικοί ως μέντορες και 197 νέοι εκπαιδευτικοί ως μεντορευόμενοι. 

Κατά την περίοδο του Νοεμβρίου και του Δεκεμβρίου όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες εκπαιδευτικοί συμμετείχαν σε επιμορφωτικές συναντήσεις για το πρόγραμμα. Συνολικά πραγματοποιήθηκαν 14 τέτοιες επιμορφωτικές συναντήσεις με διάφορες ομάδες μεντόρων και νέων εκπαιδευτικών.  

Μετά τις διακοπές των Χριστουγέννων και συγκεκριμένα από τα μέσα Ιανουαρίου του 2023 έως και τον Ιούνιο, δηλαδή το τέλος της σχολικής χρονιάς 2022-23 πραγματοποιήθηκε επί έξι μήνες η πιλοτική φάση εφαρμογής του προγράμματος LOOP. Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της πιλοτικής εφαρμογής μέντορες και νέοι εκπαιδευτικοί συνεργάστηκαν στην εφαρμογή του Προγράμματος Εισαγωγής στο Επάγγελμα Νέων Εκπαιδευτικών (New Teachers’ Induction Programme) το οποίο αναπτύχθηκε στην προηγούμενη φάση του προγράμματος. Το πρόγραμμα περιλάμβανε 14 θεματικές ενότητες και στα σχολεία δόθηκε ένας πλήρης σχετικός οδηγός με υλικό για όλες αυτές τις ενότητες.  

Το πρόγραμμα LOOP καλύπτει ένα σημαντικό κενό στο Ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα όπου η εισαγωγή του θεσμού του μέντορα είναι πολύ πρόσφατη, προσφέροντας ένα ολοκληρωμένο πρόγραμμα υποστήριξη των μεντόρων και εισαγωγής των νέων εκπαιδευτικών στο επάγγελμα. 

Το βασικό συμπέρασμα που προέκυψε από την πιλοτική εφαρμογή του προγράμματος LOOP είναι ότι αποτελεί ανάγκη η ύπαρξη ενός δομημένου προγράμματος το οποίο να υποστηρίζει τη σχέση μεντόρων νέων-εκπαιδευτικών κατά τη φάση της εισαγωγής των τελευταίων στο επάγγελμα. Η εμπειρία της πιλοτικής εφαρμογής έδειξε ότι όταν οι εκπαιδευτικοί και τα σχολεία υποστηρίζονται κατάλληλα μπορούν να κάνουν πολύ σημαντικά πράγματα. Όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες στο πρόγραμμα διατύπωσαν την άποψη ότι θα ήθελαν να δουν το πρόγραμμα LOOP να υιοθετείται στο μέλλον και ως εθνική πολιτική για όλα τα σχολεία της χώρας. 

Policy Seminar in Croatia: A Reflection

In the recent Policy seminar implemented in June, participants were immersed in a two-part exploration of the challenges and opportunities set by the Teacher Induction and Mentor Capacity Programmes developed through LOOP project. The event, aimed at new and experienced teachers, brought together professionals from various schools to discuss the implementation of programs and the ways they impact their institutions.

The highest moment of the seminar was an eye-opening exchange of individual experiences and challenges faced by teachers in their respective schools. As teachers shared their struggles, they collectively envisioned how program implementations could be the catalyst for transformative improvements. It was an invaluable moment that emphasized the power of collaborative dialogue in shaping the future of education.

Main Conclusions

  • Empowering Young Teachers: The Teacher Induction Programme offers a sense of security and support for young teachers as they embark on their careers. It provides a contrast to the existing system, giving them a boost of confidence in their roles.
  • Mentorship Appreciation: Mentors that participated in the field trials felt that contributed to the smooth and efficient induction of new teachers and invented a new career pathway for themselves. Their experience is now more welcomed and appreciated, leading to a more enriched mentoring experience.
  • Strengthening Teacher Relationships: The project promotes a healthier and more productive relationship between experienced teachers, serving as mentors, and the younger educators. This enhanced cooperation fosters a dynamic environment for growth and innovation.