International Educational Webinar: “Policy actions for Effective Induction and Teacher Career Transformation”
The Institute of Educational Policy and the Ministry of Education of Slovenia Republic as partners of the European LOOP project – Empowering Teachers, held on February 27, 2024, at 12:00 to 13:00 UTC, an International Educational Policy Webinar in the context of LOOP project with more than 85 attendees.
This webinar intended to share the knowledge acquired during the LOOP project and to launch a public debate on a set of actions and political conditions necessary for the successful implementation of induction programmes based on mentoring activities.
The webinar explored the main political factors that can contribute to the development and sustainability of solid induction actions, which can help increase the attractiveness of the profession and support teachers by recognising the importance of peer work, taking as reference the LOOP White Paper: Empowering Teachers – Enhancing Teacher Induction through Mentoring Activities.
- Presentation of the LOOP project
- Presentation of LOOP’s white paper
- Discussion on aspects and recommendations of LOOP’s white paper
Keynote speakers
- Ioannis Rousakis, Assistant Professor of Education Policy and Teacher Education, at the Department of Secondary Education,
- Antonia Samara, Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Secondary Education at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in the subject “Comparative Education and Lifelong Learning”
- Panagiotis Piliouras, Consultant A of “Teacher Professional Development and Assessment”, Institute of Educational Policy
- Pavlina Charalabidou, Consultant B of “Environmental & Health Education” of Institute of Educational Policy