LOOP Policy Seminar in Portugal
A Seminar for the presentation of the Policy Report on the Current Panorama of Education Systems: challenges and opportunities for a new approach to the teaching career, was held on July 1, 2022, in the Auditorium of the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon, under the coordination of the DGAE and with the participation of the UL Institute of Education and Casa do Professor.
The event was attended by 30 stakeholders who, throughout the interventions, reflected on the proposed policy recommendations contained in the Report coordinated by the Casa do Professor.
The seminar’s first topic was reflection upon the supervision paradigm. The discussion then centered on the requirements for the generalization of induction programmes based on mentoring, as well as the essential conditions for the implementation of the above. Finally, the context of articulation between initial and continuous training was discussed, as well as the needs of schools regarding that.
To read more on the first Policy Brief, visit the link below: